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Governors Information


Jo Haslam - Safeguarding Governor (Co-opted)


My name is Joanne Haslam. I am a resident of Croft and live with my husband and 4 children. I have worked with children and families for over 20 years in various roles e.g. in probation, youth justice and family support. I am currently employed by Warrington Borough Council in the Early Help division as a Family Service Manager, I am responsible for the delivery of Early Help services in central east area of Warrington i.e. family outreach, children centre provision and youth service. I also manage the Early Help service within the MASH, working collaboratively with children's social care and various multi agency partners ensuring that the Warrington Safeguarding Childrens Board threshold of needs is applied when assessing the needs of children and young people.

Date of appointment: 06-Mar-2018

Term of Office: 5 Years

Appointed by: The Governing Body & Local Authority

Other Voluntary Interests: None

Pecuniary Interests: None

Material Interests (Relationships): None

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