Fund Matching

About Fund Matching/Matched Giving
Matched giving is a corporate arrangement where a company pledges to donate to an organisation a sum relating to the amount their employee raises for the organisation.
For example: a parent who works for a company that supports matched giving, volunteers to help on the refreshments stall at the Christmas Fair. The profit made on the stall is £100 and therefore the company will then match this amount with a further £100 (assuming they offer a 100% match).
If you think that this is something that your place of work might participate in, please ask your Human Resources or Personnel Department for more details (supporting letters are provided by the PTA).
Some organisations that have previously contributed have been banking institutions such as Barclays and also BT, BNFL, insurance and corporate organisations.
There are other ways that your company can contribute if they do not participate in this scheme, by way of donations. Also, support from businesses, local and otherwise is always welcome and, in the past, businesses from the surrounding areas have generously donated prizes etc.
Thank you for your support!