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Governors Information


Michael Contini-Hill

Hello,  I’m Michael and I live just outside Croft with my wife and son, who currently attends Tiny Acorns pre-school and will hopefully be moving up to Reception next year.

I’m keen to help maintain Croft’s excellent standards hence offering my services to the board of parent governors. Although I have no experience of school governance specifically, I have served as a metropolitan borough councillor and would welcome contact from other parents, if there’s anything that they’d like me to raise.

I currently work in children’s television production - a very rewarding role, but it does mean I probably watch more children’s programmes than my little boy does!!



Date of appointment: 08-Oct-2021

Term of Office: 4 Years

Appointed by: The Governing Body 

Voting rights : Yes

Other Voluntary Interests: None

Pecuniary Interests: None

Material Interests (Relationships): None

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